This video was produced in multiple locations with a full production crew. Mr. McRae is known for his ability to select vacant land within the path of future growth. which allows investors to potentially realize handsome returns. It is this unique vision that was highlighted to potential investors.

The Power and Rewards of Vision
McRae Group of Companies is a leader in vacant land investment.
Development of identity, Website, video, collateral marketing materials, DVD creation, package design, and secure mutli-site development.
A “signature” video (or brand defining imagery) and still image was captured to highlight the value the McRae Group of companies brings it’s clients. Through a considerable market analysis and the secret sauce of Ron’s vision and experience, clients often enjoy a very high rate of return. Property is purchased in the path of future progress. Eventually the corner lot is sold paying for the entire investment. All future sales within the investment are profit. To illustrate the essence of this process we captured video of Ron surveying a vacant piece of property as he envisions a commercial property being constructed before him.
Additionally, Mr. McRae discusses the actual process in video later placed on both the Website and in a (2) DVD set for distribution in marketing efforts.

Real Estate Investor Packet